Monday, June 20, 2011

Family photo time!

I am not crazy about buying my kids' photo from school.  I'm not usually a "control freak" kind of person, but I really would like to be there to make sure they at least look decent - no hair sticking up, looking at the camera, collar laying flat, etc.  Plus they are SO expensive!  

Oh, he's so handsome.  He looks so grown up!

So, I hired my own photographer.  Her name is Carly from Freckle Fotography.  She is a college student and has some great rates as a budding {future} professional photographer.  She charges reasonable rates, I get great photos!

Rachel and I - she really captured a great moment!

I spent some time on Pinterest and floating around blogland just trying to figure out what our family should wear.  I have an entire category on there named family photo so I could figure out what we should wear. This picture was my inspiration - based on the clothes we had in our closets.  My hubby and I had pretty much every color, but it was my daughter's casual dress that helped me figure it out.  I went with the bottom row of blues and purples.


I also found a great post on coordinating family clothing at Blue Cricket Design.  It has some great tips!


Carly took photography classes in high school and studied it, and it shows!  She was able to capture my son beautifully.  He is HARD to get a good photograph from.  He never wants to look directly at the lense. My daughter is a natural, but even her smile and beauty radiate.  


And all of us together with our "coordinating" colors:



Do you recognize that chair in the pictures???  Why, yes, it's my favorite vintage chair!  It was a perfect prop!

And last, of me and my hubby! My only big request was that she make me look young and thin! 


If you are in the Los Angeles might want to check her out!  Freckle Fotography!
