Friday, June 17, 2011

Table scape and succulents

Today I bring you a mish-mash of things!  I did this back in April but haven't shared it with you yet. 

I have mentioned before that our deck gets pretty hot, so I have grown to love succulents more and more each year. They can handle so much heat here, and survived our FREAK snow fall we had here in Burbank last February - seriously, we just don't get snow! {It only lasted 1/2 a day, but we'll take what we can get}.

By the morning, it was all ice! It looked pretty, though!

Anyway, that being said I try to plant a few pots each year.  They are easy to maintain -I only water them once a week. In the heat of summer, maybe twice a week. 

These are my recent additions.  We had company over that night so I set up this cutey on the table and took some pictures.  

That's it!  We just love having company over. Not fancy, but still fun and enjoyable!


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