Friday, June 24, 2011

Hole-y Mole-y!

I'm not exactly what you call an "environmental freak" or anything.  I don't constantly look for ways to be green.  But, I am always looking for ways to save money.  And one  VERY expensive thing in this house is our utility bill! Every September I get the bill {since August is typically our hottest month} and brace myself for the expense that I will incur from running our a/c all that month!


After seeing our neighbors do this and testifying how much they liked it {they ARE the environmental minded ones}, we decided we wanted to get insulation for our walls in our 1947 house! We were warned to take all our stuff off the walls the night before - only the outside walls, of course.

The truck showed up with this big vacuum pump in the back.


They drill holes every 16 inches all over the place. And yes, it's very loud inside {I took the kids away for most of the day}.


Then, they blow insulation into the walls. THAT sounds really weird inside the house, too!


They plug up the holes with styrofoam.


The house looked like we'd been targeted by something!

Under the eaves you can {barely} see all the holes and under the windows.

And then, they covered up all the holes.  They matched them so well, I can't even tell where they made the holes!


So, you are wondering if it's working?  Well, the HOT sun on the kitchen side - where I can literally feel heat come out in the later afternoon sun - is cool to the touch!! We haven't had a very hot summer yet here in Southern California, but I know it's coming and I know that it will have been money well spent!

Ask Anna 
A Bowl Full of Lemons 
Handy Man, Crafty Woman
