Friday, August 7, 2015

School Supply Drawer

It's time to start thinking about IS August and my kids start in ten days so we have to get moving and ready for school. We've now got a middle schooler and a high schoolers, so I consider myself a veteran at this! I took my kids EARLY this year to get some school supplies because their school sent out a list early. I don't normally shop in July but I'm glad I did. I was able to get the school supply drawer all set up. 

Back to School Organized ::

First of all, I'm not the type who drools at school supplies, but I know a LOT of you do! I have my fabulous command center where I keep all kinds of things organized, including a school supply drawer within a large chest of drawers.

Dresser Drawer for school supplies ::

This is the bottom drawer of the dresser and it holds all kinds of extra things that my kids wind up needing throughout the school year. 

Dresser Drawer for school supplies ::

I stocked up on highlighters and pens and pencils and erasers and more...

Dresser Drawer for school supplies ::

I got spiral notebooks for 18 cents each! Seriously, I couldn't beat that so I got a ton of them. 

Command Center for school supplies ::

Everything fits neatly in our command center area, which is a big dresser. When do your kids start back to school?

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  1. Really helpful post, thank you for sharing! :)

  2. Some great ideas here! We had a school supply closet (lots of kids) but it would always end up messy and hard to find things by October. Any tips on keeping that from happening?

  3. We shopped for supplies a bit early this year too. I wanted to miss the mass of people all clamoring for the same things, and I wanted them to have their pick of backpacks this year (after really using their last ones for a couple years, I donated them after cleaning them up). I also bought some extras of the key items, so they can replenish throughout the year. I love your command center, but don't have a spot for that here, so I have a simple tote in the storage room with extra supplies, it works pretty well for us. School starts Aug 24th here (Iowa).

  4. Ahhh yes, back to school! Thanks for sharing!


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