Thursday, March 27, 2014

11 Creative Ways to Organize Your Jewelry

I'm a girl who loves jewelry - but not the diamonds, silver, or gold - I like costume jewelry. You know, the fun, colorful, different for each outfit kind of jewelry. Sometimes keeping it organized is tricky! So, I scoured the internet {ok, Pinterest} and came up with what I think are 11 Creative Ways to Organize Your Jewelry.

11 Creative Ways to Organize Jewelry {and some inexpensive ones, too} ::

First, I'm sharing mine because I think it's my favorite way to organize jewelry! I have this lovely organizer that looks like a collage picture frame, but then you open it up and it holds all your jewelry. You can see more here.  You can find a similar one to mine here

Jewelry Organizer ::

The next one is from Organize and Decorate Everything. She used a linen closet and set up her jewelry organizing in there with hooks and ceramic egg cartons to keep things organized.

Jewelry organized in linen closet ::

If you are traveling and want to keep things organized with your jewelry, this is by far the simplest and more creative way to do it! Laura of I'm an Organizing Junkie, has a simple hand towel that she uses to roll up her necklaces.

Organize your jewelry while traveling ::

This is another inexpensive, creative idea. She used a bulletin board, some fabric, and nail heads! It looks amazing and yet is so simple. See more here about how she made this.

Organize jewelry on a bulletin board ::

Another creative way is a simple tiered tray made from the dollar store. Liz Marie uses it to organize her jewelry on her bathroom counter - it looks elegant and is a simple way to corral jewelry and watches. Go here to see the rest of her cute bathroom and how she made this. 

Organize jewelry in a dollar store tiered tray ::

My girl, Lisa, built a jewelry organizer cabinet to cover an unsightly water heater! Smarty pants! Go here to see how she did it!

Organize jewelry to hide an unsightly water heater ::

Also those Shanty 2 Chic girls made a version of this, but a little more elaborate and bigger. They have step by step instructions on how to make it, too! Go here to see that.

Organized jewelry in a large DIY'd armoire ::

But, maybe you don't have THAT much jewelry, so you just take a few cute vases from around your house, like Carrie from Making Lemonade does, and turn them into jewelry organizers - creative!! Go here to see more. 

Organize jewelry using vases to display ::

And my friend, Beckie of Infarrantly Creative, definitely got creative when she made this jewelry organizer out of paint stir sticks! Not kidding! Go here to see how she did it!

Organize jewelry by using paint stir sticks ::

I really love how Melissa of 320 Sycamore, made this jewelry organizer from a thrift store picture and an unused frame from her home. Go here to see more. 

Organized Jewelry with thrift store finds ::

And last, Overthrow Martha, made hers from a towel bar and toilet paper holders! Go here to see more.

Organize jewelry with towel bar and toilet paper holders ::

Don't you think these are creative? Which one is your favorite? Pin this for your future reference when you're ready to get your jewelry organized!

11 Creative Ways to Organize Jewelry {and some inexpensive ones, too} ::

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 **I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**

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