Monday, January 27, 2014

No Excuses:: No Time

What do you need more of? Time? Yes...we all want more time, right? But, having NO time to get organized is a bad excuse! Why? Let me tell you.

First of all, the reason you probably have no time is that you are unorganized. Correct? I find this to be true of myself, too, when I haven't gotten myself organized in one area or space. OR, if I am organized, I've got too much going on and need to cut back....but, today we are going to address those whose excuse is that they have no time to organize.

You are wasting time if you are unorganized. You may know that, but how long does it take you to find things in your home? How many times have you lost something that you thought you put somewhere - I've done it before. Drives me nuts! I waste SO much time trying to look for it. And, while I'm looking for it in all the places it should be, I'm thinking "when I find this thing, I'm going to put it HERE because THIS is the first place I looked and wherever I put it made no sense to put there." 


Organizing is simply the act of putting like things with like things, having a place for everything. Then there's the problem of not having enough space, right? That's when decluttering comes in. 

If you simply take fifteen minutes each day, and tackle one small area at a time, you can start to get organized. My 31 Days of Spontaneous Organizing challenge, from last October, is an easy place to start. Even if you have a LOT to organize, take a little at a time. If you don't make the time, you'll be wasting that time! It's not about "having" the time, it's about MAKING the time! Is this your excuse for not organizing?

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