Thursday, May 9, 2013

Parenting: the good and the bad!

Today I'm going to share with you two different parenting opportunities. One really good and one even better - well, sometimes there are good things about parenting and sometimes bad!

kids outdoor adventures

My blog friend, Jennifer, of 4Tunate also known as Quatro Mama {umm, yep, she's got FOUR boys--quadruplets!}, has an amazing Ebook that I want to share with you. It's PERFECT for when you're kids are home all summer! It's LOADED with all kinds of great ideas to get kids outside and active with them. Maybe keep Mom from hearing lots of "I'm bored" and start seeing them do something other than play on the Wii or computer for hours on end.

kids outdoor discovery

She's got detailed lists and print outs that go with it. And guess what? It's ONLY $4.99 for this fantastic Ebook. Because I personally know Jennifer, I can tell you that it's going to help your summer fun with your kids - boys and girls - WAY more fun. Your kids can flip through this book and help decide what they'd like to do for some summer fun.

What Memories Will You Make With The Summers They Have Left?

7 Reasons You’ll Love This ebook:

  1. 50 Simple Ideas to Get Outdoors & Connect With Your Child

  2. Promotes Hands-On-Learning, Creativity, & Active Adventures

  3. Frugal Fun for the Family

  4. Suitable Ideas for Kids Ages Preschool to Preteen

  5. Clearly Outlined Step-by-Step Ideas

  6. Seasonal Suggestions for Every Climate

  7. Additional Printables, Diagrams, and Resources

{*affiliate link coming up} Go HERE or click on any of the pictures above to purchase your copy!

Now, the other thing I want to share with you is a fantastic FREE webinar that I'll be participating in next Thursday, May 16th at 9 - 10 PM {EST}. I did this last year and it was really motivating and a lot of fun. What is this webinar about?

parenting solutions positive

Here is the not-so fun part of parenting - it's about getting your kids to listen. You know we parents tend to nag, remind, or yell when they don't. 

Amy founder positive parenting

Well, Amy McCready is a fantastic parenting expert and the Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions and a "recovering yeller." She is a champion of positive parenting techniques for happier families and well-behaved kids.  Amy reaches a worldwide audience with her Positive Parenting Solutions Online course and is a frequent guest on the TODAY Show and has also appeared on Rachael Ray, CNN, Fox & Friends, MSNBC, and elsewhere. In her most important role, she is mom to two teenage boys. 

Get Kids to Listen Without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling

Tired of the yelling?  Tired of the whining?  Tired of being tired?

You’re not alone.  From toddler temper-tantrums to teenage talking back, parents wonder what it takes to get kids to cooperate.  If you’re tired of nagging, reminding and yelling to get kids to listen – this session is for you!  Organizing Made Fun is excited to partner with Amy McCready, founder of Positive Parenting Solutions & TODAY Show contributor to offer a FREE LIVE training webinar on Thursday, May 16 2013, at 9PM EST. Discover proven tools for your most frustrating discipline dilemmas including the 5 R's of Fair & Effective Consequences. This hour-long investment will lead to a lifetime of peace in your home.

All you need is your computer. (No webcam required.)  You'll see and hear Amy on your screen and you can even ask questions and she'll make them part of the presentation. Parents RAVE about this session.

RSVP today and then kick back and learn from the comfort of your home.

Webinar seating will be limited so learn more and RSVP now! I'll look forward to welcoming you.

In the meantime, we'd love it if you could let your Facebook friends know about this exciting webinar - just click this link to share on Facebook.

Having particpated in this last year, I want to assure you that it is really a very helpful webinar. It's easy. You just sit in your chair or at your desk and watch. You can chat, if you'd like, or ask questions. It's only for one hour. Put your kids to bed and then jump in, ask your spouse to watch them while you listen {headphones on, if necessary}, or have your spouse join you while you listen to Amy's very wise advice. 

Get kids to listen: FREE webinar Thursday, May 16th |

Again, go HERE if you'd like to register. It's free. There isn't anything you have to lose. I'll be sure to remind you again, also, to attend. But, mark your calendar now -- and come! Imagine all the organizing you can get done this summer if your kids listen to you, stop whining, and get along!

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