Friday, May 10, 2013

Chicago, Chicago!

I told you on Wednesday all about getting organized to go away with your spouse for a week or weekend. Well, I'm going to share a little bit of my fun away -- in Chicago! Oh, Chicago was so great! I loved it there. It was a conference for my Hubby {John}, but it was a vacation for me. I needed it. I haven't had a break from blogging {aka, work} for a really long time. I DID work while I was there, but not half as much as I usually do and it was pretty minor work. 

Chicago City Scape |

I have become much more adventurous the more I travel along with him each year on these conferences. But, I still LOVE to travel with him. My Hubby travels a lot for work so he has all kinds of perks, like the fancy red-carpet club and takes care of all the details! Love that. Here, above, is the city-scape of where I stayed in Downtown Chicago! It was so fun! I am a CITY GIRL through and through and enjoyed being in a high rise and seeing everything. 

Michigan Avenue shopping |

I asked my Facebook readers for their ideas of where I should go while I was there - and guess what? I got to see all kinds of other things. One of those places was shopping on Michigan Avenue - SUPER fun!

Navy Pier |

Another place suggested was to go to Navy Pier - check! Got that one in too!

Dinner at RPM Italian |

I also got to see my little cousin who lives in Chicago - haven't seen her in over ten years. We ate at RPM Italian Restaurant, which is supposed to be something neat {celebrity owned} but the food was amazing!

Day at the spa |

I spent a whole day at the spa - a treat to myself. I got pampered and even had my hair and make-up done up for the fancy gal that evening for my Hubby's work.

Museum of Science and Industry |

The gala was held at the Museum of Science and Industry. It was amazing there. Everyone was dressed beautifully and I love to dress up!

Hanging out with Cyndi |

Even found out my blogger friend, Cyndi, of Walking in Grace and Beauty, was in Chicago just three blocks away! So, we got a quick hook up as I won't see her again for a long time!

All in all, I enjoyed having that time to myself and every evening with my hubby and all the activities that followed. 

Hanging out with Cyndi |

After his week of conferences we explored the city for the morning and then flew to Detroit, Michigan, where his cousin and family live! We hadn't seen them in over ten years either. They were so gracious and kind -- and had a beautiful property there. They had a party at their house the next day for someone's birthday and had this fun photo booth for everyone to enjoy! We even played "Bags" which was fun - have you ever played that? I came home to mountains of laundry and a lot of work to catch up on! But, the best part was seeing my kids again! Missed those two! 

Welcome Home from kids |

Thanks for hanging on during this long post about Chicago! Have you ever been before? What is your favorite part of Chicago, if you've been?

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