Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Yay, my windows are clean!!

A few months back I got an email from {there are affiliate links in this post} Fish Foam, asking me if I'd like to try out their foam, which I KNOW is fabulous cause I got some this weekend while away in Utah at the SNAP conference! They offered to come out and clean ALL my windows! Do you know how many windows I have in my house -- a LOT! There are 35 windows, including our basement windows. I don't know about you, but cleaning all those windows is a MAJOR ordeal. 

window cleaning

Even with our brand new windows, it's still a lot of work to keep them clean.

dirty windows smog

The screens were full of dust and smog. The windows were filthy and also full of dust and smog. I wish you could truly see how bad it was. The pictures don't do it justice. I hosed down the windows just weeks before. We get a ton of dirt and smog here in Southern California. 

dirty screens

These guys came in and took every screen off, cleaned every.single.window. They even cleaned every nook and cranny of my windows! 

window cleaning men wiping

They worked so hard - it took two men about three and a half hours to clean them from top to bottom. They took all the screens off and cleaned all those by hand. They wiped every nook and cranny. If you're wondering what that middle bottom picture is, it's our security camera {that's inside the window}. I can watch, from my office, what's going on in the front of the house while I'm working. So I could still see them hard at work.

front window view

Am I satisfied with their work? YES, absolutely! Is it worth the money? Um, yes! I have attempted to clean all my windows in my house and it's a HUGE job. I don't have a second story, so that would be even harder. But, these guys work on all kinds of building and residences to get the job done. Fish Window Cleaning is a national company operated by local owners. You can probably find one in many parts of the country to come and wash your windows - and have your house even more ready for spring!

One of their suggestions to keeping my windows looking fabulous between my cleanings is to use their Fish Foam. If you are interested in the foam you can buy it on {affiliate link} Amazon or directly from their website and they've got $5 shipping right now.  When is the last time you cleaned your windows? Have you ever had them professionally cleaned?

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