Friday, April 26, 2013

Oh, SNAP....and keeping super busy!

I often get asked, you make money from blogging? Yes, I do! I feel amazingly blessed to be able to be a work at home mom and motivating and inspiring women to organize! But, it takes a LOT of time to do what I do. I'm now working full time from home on this blog!

So, in order to maximize what I do and learn more and become a better blogger, I attended SNAP conference AND I got to be a speaker along with my friend, Lisa of The Pennington Point. We had a class about time management for moms - learning how to juggle everything from blogging to kids to home. It was well attended and a lot of fun for us both to do it.

Jamie, Allison, and I.

I met amazing women, had very little sleep - seriously, I haven't had this little sleep since I had newborns! But, came away learning so much my head might explode! My roommates, picture above, are Allison of House of Hepworths and Jamie of C.R.A.F.T. and were so sweet!

A class attendee on Instagram during our class.

You may have noticed that I have begun working with a few brands - like Office Depot and there will be a couple more coming up. That is an amazing opportunity for me -- and I really enjoy the projects that they have given me. Know that when I work with brands like that, it is truly something that I enjoy doing - organizing in creative ways! It's such fun for me and I hope to continue spreading the fun of organizing with you, and motivating you, and inspiring you in new ways!

Birthday fun!

I also had a birthday while there -- a little different than my usual birthday with my family! My roommate, Allison, was sweet and gave me a little gift. If you wonder - I turned 42! 

After a LONG day of learning -- with my friends, Diane of In My Own Style, Lisa Pennington, and Amy of Positively Splendid. Amazing ladies - and such sweet friends!

So, what else happened when I was away for all that time? Well, I made connections with many other wonderful bloggers that are truly creative - I must say, this is the part that I differ. I am creative in coming up with ways to organize, but most of these creative bloggers are true crafters and home decorators. I only dabble in it! Found out new FTC rules and a bunch of other important stuff. All in all, a great way for me to get motivated to become a better blogger. Please know that I LOVE to inspire and motivate other women to organize {doing home projects, too} and that has and always will be my goal. I will continue to work hard and motivate you! 

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