Monday, March 25, 2013

Organized Reader Space: Pantry overhaul

It's time to inspire you with another reader who's got an organized space!

Richella, of the blog Imparting Grace, shares her organized pantry. 

She started off with a fairly typical walk-in pantry. She took everything out of it first.

You can see that sometimes that's the best thing - to go through it because there is food you've had sitting in there for a long time or you don't eat anymore. 

After she cleaned it out, she added some cute baskets and made it pretty. She did a great job! If you'd like to see my pantry, also, it's HERE. If you are an organized reader and have a great space to share, send me your pictures and tell me all about it! How does your pantry look? When is the last time you cleaned it out and organized it?

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