Friday, March 22, 2013

It's all about the little things! Gadgets and such!

I love small, modern conveniences. You know, those little things that just make life easier. Since we haven't done many projects lately here, I thought I'd take the time out to show you some of the little things that have made my life just a little happier. Some things may seem expensive or insignificant, but they've become important to me. 

Here is something - levered handles on all our doors. We have SO many doors in this house. I kid you not -- I bought levered door handles for every. single. door in this house. BUT, I did NOT buy them all at once. I bought one each month for a couple of years! Yes, we have that many doors. This particular handle goes down to our basement. It's especially important to me because I can use my elbow, when my arms are FULL of laundry, to open the door on my way up from the basement.

Another thing that I LOVE is this lightswitch {similar to this one} for when I head down to the basement with my arms full of laundry. It has a set amount of time you can put it on to stay on and then it shuts itself off. I like that I can you my elbow, again, to turn it on when going down the stairs with the laundry basket in my arms. Or, if my hubby or kids turns the light on and forgets to turn it off it shuts off automatically!

I think we have a problem with switches and remotes. Here is a sampling of a few of the ones we have around here - a sample, not all of them. But, dimmers and remote controlled fans are certainly something we like - we have a LOT of ceiling fans in this house, too!

With my hubby's job and now my new Ipad, we have a few of them around here. The company Kanex sent me this product of theirs, a few months ago, to try out. It's called Sydnee and it organizes multiple devices, like Ipads and Iphones, while charging them at the same time. 

Have you seen these or use them? These are rug anchors. They work similar to a command hook in that they don't permanently stick to your floor. You put the one side on the bottom of the rug and the other on your hard surface floor. It holds the rug down beautifully! This particular rug would NOT stay down and would roll and curl up. It's never been a problem since. I also use them on my front door rug and it's also fantastic! 

Well, that's all for my little things that keep my life a little easier! Do you have a gadget or things around your house that you just love having?

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