Friday, September 9, 2011

Darling garden cart

Last week, I showed you my mom's beautiful garden and our vacation along the central coast. 

I wanted to give you a better view of the garden cart that I showed you.  It's so cute! It's former life was a tape drive storage cart {my dad's work was as computer engineer}! She was a school teacher and used it for years as a lecturne with her bar stool in front and her school books inside.

Here is what she did. She painted the whole thing {it used to be blue, if I recall correctly}. Then, she put left over tiles inside and on top.

These help to keep it sturdy and a little cleaner. She made the curtain {she is quite the seamstress, so this was a pretty small project} and ran a cafe rod through.

You can see she added this snap and a pretty bow for embellishment.

Where they live, it's pretty windy every afternoon, so the curtain would blow open all the time and make a mess. To remedy this, she put velcro on the skirt and cart. Now it doesn't blow open all the time.  

She also put this little towel on the side for wiping wet hands on.  To keep it from slipping off, she tied a ribbon around it.

Another basket on top for her dirtier tools. Isn't this the cutest cart? 

Any other gardeners out there?


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