Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How I organize my kitchen...on my table

You organize your kitchen table?  Yes, I do!  

We have a LOT of pills and vitamins that we take everyday. Supplements, allergy pills, vitamins, my eye pills, other necessary ones to help us keep ourselves running smoothly and healthy!  So, I came up with a plan since I was tired of running back and forth to the cupboard and pulling everything out.  My kids are old enough now to get their own pills/vitamins out and take them each morning and night.  If they were little, I might do this same idea but put the basket in a pantry up high and take out at mealtimes.

So, I HAD a lazy susan on the table, but it just wasn't enough for all our stuff - we still need napkins at each meal, too.  Plus, that remote control for our little kitchen TV needs a home, plus my letter opener, too!  I bought this CD basket at Target - isn't it cute?  

I moved the lazy susan off the table and into the pantry {you'll be seeing my pantry soon}.  Then, I just used this to organize all the pills and they are mostly hidden because the sides are so high. 

It's not a huge change, but it certainly makes it much more organized at meal times with all those things not showing and prettied up a bit!

If you'd like to see the rest of my kitchen, go here and check it out!  If you missed last week's organizing under the kitchen sink, go here!  

Linking to {see parties tab}:
Delightful Order
Stuff & Nonsense

Have a great way of organizing something?  Send me an email and I can feature you {your blog or pictures}!

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