Thursday, March 13, 2014

How to be hospitable even when you don't think you can

Last week, during my blog break, we hosted a whole crew of men - most of whom we've never met before - in our home for four nights. Does that sound crazy? Well, not only was it NOT crazy, but it blessed the socks off this family. 

Set up for multiple guests ::

Aside from organizing, I have a passion for hospitality. If you follow me on Instagram, you will probably notice we have people over a LOT! Anyway, I just want to continue to encourage you that having people in your home is a good thing and will get easier with more practice. Perhaps you've seen my post on 10 Ways to Make Having People Over Easier? Go there now if you haven't! It will help a LOT.

Click for free printable - Hospitality Rules :: OrganizingMadeFun

Or, 10 ways to get organized before guests arrive

FREE printable - 10 Ways to get ready before guests arrive ::

You'd think I like having people over! But in all honesty, showing hospitality is a blessing to us, more than most people realize. Everytime we have people over, we are blessed back and it impacts our children. It makes them learn to share - they have to share their toys, rooms, food, space - and it makes them serve - they have to help set up, clean up, and put away.

Showing hospitality to strangers not only bless THEM but it blesses YOU and impacts your children ::

If you have an opportunity to host a missionary, foreign exchange student, dinner with friends, a family in need, or whatever the situation, go for it! So, where did we put all of these men? There were nine total. We put them all over the house...and were able to borrow a motor home and stick some in there, too! They were happy.

Supply extra cords or outlets for your overnight guests ::

I provided each a bed {which for a couple was an air mattress on the floor or the couch}, clean linens {for several this was a sleeping bag}, a fresh towel {I bought a stack of six white towels at Costco for $20}, and a bottle of water. We also got our outlet strips and set out several all over the living room - you have to remember that most people travel with a cell phone, tablet, and/or a laptop computer {I do!}. So, the men were so surprised we thought to do that for them! When having people over, think of all the things that YOU would want in your room - or if you were at a hotel room - and try to provide as much as you are able to. I asked my FREE cycle group from church for extra air mattresses and sleeping bags and they came through!

You can turn your kids' rooms into a guest room in 30 minutes using these tips ::

I did a post couple of years ago called "Kids' room to guest room in 30 minutes" and I have even MORE tips! So, are you ready to show more hospitality or are you already having people over a lot? You can have a little or a lot...but make your home open for others to enjoy, too!


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