Monday, December 16, 2013

Cleaning up emails

What is it about email that I love and hate? I love when people email me, but I hate when I get spam and tons of email from companies all the time. It seems like I somehow got signed up on all kinds of mailing lists and I just don't ever read them, but wind up deleting them everyday.

So, take control of your inbox. I'm sure almost every place that you go on the web is requiring an email address, right? Well, sometimes it's just necessary, but if you start receiving a TON of emails from that place and don't really read them, it's time to stop that. 

Here's a sample, but EVERY company or mailing list is required to have a place that you can unsubscribe. Even my email list at the bottom of this post has a place to click and unsubscribe. Sometimes it's TEENY TINY and you can hardly find it, but it's there. 

Once you click over, sometimes it gives you options to update how often you receive the emails. I like that because sometimes I LIKE the discount codes, but getting email everyday from companies is too much. 

Other times it will ask you for your email address again - I don't like that, I like the ones that automatically just do it and quickly! Make it your goal in the new year {or now} that every email you don't really WANT or don't read that you unsubscribe yourself from. I know most bloggers would NEVER say this, but if you don't want my posts in your mailbox than unsubscribe! I'm not offended...but if you WANT to get organizing inspiration, subscribe HERE and you'll get it. 

Are you overloaded with email? What will you do today to fix that?

P.S. Did you enter to WIN the Christmas organizing containers from Ace Hardware? If not, go HERE now and enter!!

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 **I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**  

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