Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas "Stuff" Organized

Well, Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, but dealing with the aftermath of Christmas is another problem. Am I right? 

My Christmas decorations are pretty organized, but at least half of it is in cardboard or mismatched boxes and I was tired of those - they are dusty and fall apart from year to year. 

So, Ace gave me an opportunity to get things more organized! 

I love these Christmas colored plastic bins because they are large - here you can see I stored my ceramic Christmas trees.

 They are much safer in these than my cardboard boxes.

I also have been using apple containers for years to hold my more! Now I have these great ornament holders to keep my ornaments organized and dust free!

I also get to put all my lights into this carry bag with three reels for lights to keep them organized!

And, YOU get a chance to win all of it to get your Christmas "stuff" organized! 

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