Monday, July 8, 2013

Organized Reader with a fridge of beauty!

One of the things I love is that my readers are made up of all kinds of talent. Some of you are looking for inspiration, some make your own inspiration, and others are just needed a push! 

organized guest reader space

Well, this organized reader has such a fun and organized fridge that I just had to share it with you. Andrea of Project Simple Home used her Silhoutte machine to cut out vinyl lettering to label her fridge.

Oh. My. Goodness! Yes...I am seriously going to do this. Wow, this is for the die-hard organizer! But, just about anyone could do it.

Look at this!

Here's another close up of the drawers! Love this. Go on over and see the whole process on her blog! How is your fridge? Disaster or completely organized?

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