Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cords everywhere!!

Am I the only one who loathes cords? Cords everywhere...TV cords, cable cords, computer cords, laptop cords, phone cords! They are SO SUPER messy!! It has been a problem, especially with a techie husband who doesn't seem to have the same visual as me when it comes to cords.

Once again, I teamed up with Office Depot this month to try and find some type of solution. I'm here to tell you that the cord solution may have been kept at bay...or at least I hope so! But, I must confess something, I HATE organizing cords! This is the kind of organizing that is NOT fun, at all! Cords have a mind of their own, length of their own, and width of their own. They come in all kinds of colors and sizes and they are difficult to work with. So, this may not be for the faint hearted - but we all have to attempt it at some point, don't we?

Let me start with this area next to my hubby's chair, where he likes to keep his iPad, laptop, and iPhone plugged in and charged. We also have a lamp plugged in here as well as a long extension cord that runs under the couch so that I can plug in my laptop on the other side and work in the evenings - many. cords.

I got this really neat cable box management system. Can you say "awesome"? Now the plugs are hiding in there - so I don't have to look at them!!

The other area of contention is the TV - which is sitting in our family room on top the cupboards, which I love. My hubby was clever years ago and drilled a large hole in the cupboard and then dropped all the ugly cords down there along with all the craziness that goes with having a TV and cable stuff and internet box. But, there were still cords all along the back of the TV and that bugged me a bit!

So I used this cord management tube system to grab the cords and hide them!! You can't see a single one now! Yippee! Well, I keep the cupboard doors closed as much as I can to hide the other hideous cords, too.

I also had to deal with the kids computer area. I cleaned out the drawer system I had in there and re-organized it. I decided that having them place their headphones in the drawers wasn't very efficient and was messy. 

So, I hung these really nice Command hooks to hang them on behind the computer screen, so they are hidden but accessible.

I used a TON of this awesome velcro strapping - on a roll! You cut as much as you need and that's that! As well, I used these other cord clips that you can stick on any surface to help keep cords neat and tidy -- more excitement!! I am now quite a happy camper! How do you tackle "cord issues" in your home?

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*I have been compensated by Office Depot to talk all about their fascinating products* 

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