Monday, February 18, 2013

OMF to the Rescue: Two Organizing Dilemmas resolved

I am not a competitive person, but I LOVE a good challenge, especially when it has to do with organizing. I think it's just a lot of fun to see all the C-R-A-Z-Y spaces some of you have to work with...and be able to help you figure out a great way to get them to function normally. Sometimes what it takes is just another person, like me, being able to look at it from a different direction. Today's OMF to the Rescue is revisiting TWO spaces that had BIG problems. And, with my advice {and some of yours}, they found solutions to their awkward spaces.

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Take, for instance, Elizabeth send me her pantry that has a weird slanted ceiling. 

Perhaps you remember this? Guess what? I gave her some advice. You can read all about it HERE and see what I advised her - I gave her many options. And, she took my option of the metal slide out drawers so you could fully get to the back of everything.

Then, she painted painted everything, and organized {the fun part, of course}.

And they function really well for her. Sometimes you just have to find the right solution for weird spaces!

The next space was Deanna's closet. It just wasn't working for her, as you can see. I made a several suggestions, one of which included taking out this closet stuff all together and putting in a new closet system.

That's what they did. They bought a Martha Stewart closet system, similar to THIS one. 

Isn't it gorgeous? She did a great job! Did she? 

So, if you have an awkward space that you need help in organizing and just CAN NOT figure out how to organize it, email me your pictures and details {size of space, budget, and any other issues}. You might get an opportunity for me to share your space and pictures along with my ideas of how you could possibly organize your space - easy or hard!

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