Tuesday, October 9, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #9 -- Beverage Dispensers

Welcome to Day #9 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

Good grief, organizing with a beverage dispenser? Yep...organizing CAN be done with a beverage dispenser! 

Here is how I did it in my laundry room, organizing my detergent with my vinegar {that I use as softener in the laundry}. 

I've also done it in my fridge. The apple juice jug that is now at Costco is SO hard to hold and pour with - even for me! So, I found this beverage dispenser at Home Goods and put it in the fridge for the kids to get their apple juice afterschool. It's so organized this way, too! They just pop in, get their cup filled, and pop out!


You can also find one that's a little slimmer like this above to organize whatever liquid needs it! Are you surprised you can organize with a beverage dispenser?

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