Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Days of Organizing Fun: Day #10 -- Lazy Susan

Welcome to Day #10 of 31 Days of Organizing Fun! 

They aren't so lazy, are they? They do a lot of work and help in a great way! I love lazy susans. I have a few around my house helping to keep things organized!


I keep one in my pantry corner to hold nuts and things and then it can spin and keep them organized.

Real Simple

I love this one, above, from Real Simple. It's a great way to organize things to have at hand for a little snack or what-not.

Real Simple

And, under the kitchen sink is another great way to use a lazy susan to get things from the back around to the front easily like above in this picture.

Better Homes and Gardens

Last, I found a great way to organize medicine in your linen closet or kitchen or wherever you keep yours. Have you ever used a lazy susan for organizing?

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