Friday, July 27, 2012

My Favorite Pinterest-Pinned Summertime Grilling Recipes!

I rarely post about cooking or food, but this is one thing we LOVE to do in the summer and I wanted to share with you! We truly love to grill! And, this summer we have determined to grill as many foods on our grill as we possibly can to avoid using our {vintage} very, hot oven.

Grilling BBQ

In order to get started, where did I begin? Of course I went to Pinterest! There is a TON of great recipes and ideas of grilling food on there. I started a whole Pinterest Board called BBQ that you can check out and follow, if you like to grill stuff too! All the direct links to the recipes are highlighted for you to click right over to them and check them out!

organizing recipes

1. Rotisserie Chicken and pasta salad. If you have a rotisserie attachment on your grill, you really need to use it! It's super easy, this recipe, and the chicken is so tasty. Buying a whole chicken on sale is cheap, too - and there is nothing like doing it yourself. Yum! 

Organizing recipes

2. Grilled Pizza. This is super yummy and such a great twist on regular pizza. I can't eat dairy, so I grilled mine with goat cheese, chicken, and added a little basil on top - very tasty! It doesn't have to be round and it can be fun to have individual pizzas for each person to choose what to put on theirs.

organizing recipes

3. Grilled pork tenderloin and bruschetta on grilled bread. Oh, my goodness! This was such a yummy meal! I don't like tomatoes just plain or even much in salads...but I LOVE bruschetta. It's just amazingly yummy and I devoured this bowl of it! We took some sourdough bread and buttered it and tossed it on the grill, too.

organizing recipes

4.  Grilled Ribs {from Costco} and grilled sweet potatoes on skewers. Whenever Costco has a "sale" {aka, coupon} for ribs, I snatch them up cause my family LOVES ribs! The directions for grilling are on the package. We also love sweet potato fries but in the summer it's WAY too hot to cook in the oven because it heats up the whole kitchen. So, grilling them is a great alternative and keeps the heat outside. They are yummy!

organizing recipes

5. BBQ meatloaf and fried potatoes. I promise this tastes better than my picture can do it justice! My family loves meatloaf but there is no way I want to turn on the oven in the heat of the summer to make it, so we usually just skip it! Well, barbecuing it is the answer! I made two loaves {also substitute with ground turkey} and we had leftover meatloaf to eat, too! The fried potatoes are something my mom always made growing up. They are just cubed {or cut triangular} potatoes and fried in pan with oil - we have an outdoor burner so I use that, too!

organizing recipes

6.  Grilled Tilapia. I'm not into fish, but my Hubby and son love fish. However, tilapia is not so bad for me. Grilling it makes it even better. I like this recipe, too and use a fish basket to grill the fish in - so it doesn't fall apart on the grill. 

organizing recipes

7. Chicken, Shrimp, or Steak Kabobs {kebabs}. An all time favorite, we had kabobs for our son's 13th birthday with family and a few close friends. It was SO fun. We had all kinds of toppings set out along with shrimp, steak, and chicken cut up. Everyone loved putting whatever they wanted on their kabobs, while my hubby grilled them up! Super yummy!

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You may have noticed some of the table settings...those are done by my daughter on our outdoor patio. We have some {cheap} plastic dishes I've picked up here and there and keep in my outdoor buffet, so my daughter has a lot of fun decorating the table {even putting our names at each place} for dinner. We've got more ideas to grill now, too! I want to attempt some desserts on the grill. We bought my Hubby a BBQ Griddle for Father's Day, and it goes on top of the grill, so I'm anticipating even more yummy things on the grill. How about you? What are some of your favorite things to grill?

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