Monday, August 15, 2011

Commenting on YOUR comments!

What a wonderful response I got back from so many of you last week about leaving comments! 

I now have some GREAT future ideas to do that some of you asked for!

Here are some of the things you asked for:

1.  Creating a "landing zone" without walls in your entry

2.  Keeping your car/van organized {I've had that one on my thoughts for awhile now}

3.  Getting teenagers motivated to stay organized and keep their rooms clean

4.  Inexpensive organizing containers

5.  Keeping your bedroom clean when hubby isn't always so helpful in keeping it up.

Keep the ideas coming! I'm definitely listening. Again, this blog is a resource for YOU - and there are MANY of you all over the WORLD!!  That is so exciting.  One of the ways that I have made blog "friends" is from commenting.  Really, some of my favorites we regularly comment on each other's blogs and have become Facebook friends and hope to meet each other {ONE I already have} some day soon!

Here is a sneak peak of some other ideas I have:

1.  Organizing my business {I'm a piano teacher}

2.  Organizing the frig/freezer

3.  Organizing medical bills

4.  Organizing my DOG {yes, I am THAT crazy!}

5.  Organizing in the bathroom

6.  Schedules...for all kinds of stuff

7.  Organizing for the rest of our family room

8.  Being too organized! {Did I just type that?}

There's more, believe it or not - but this is a sneak peak of what is going on in my head! This FRIDAY, I'll be featuring some of the top toy-clean out spaces that have been linked up or emailed to me!  It's not too late to link up to the party - it runs until Wednesday morning!


By the way, I'm guest posting over at CSI Projects! Go check out my tutorial on organizing headbands!
