Friday, June 3, 2011

A terrarium or something like that!

I found this C-U-T-E terrarium-type object at the thrift store when Rachel and I were shopping for stuff for her playhouse makeover.  It didn't look so cute then, but it was $6.99!

It sat in my family room for weeks without so much as looking at it - just trying to ignore the bad state it was in.

One day I finally took pity on it and took it outside and got all the glass inserts out.  Seems easy enough...

I used this spray paint.  I don't know why I had it, but I did.  Let me tell you - this is the BEST spray paint I've ever used.  You can trust that I'm sort of an expert since I've spray painted quite a bit. See where it says "2x the coverage"?  Well, it seriously WAS 2 times the coverage - SO impressed with it!  It was worth the little bit of extra money....

I found the bottom of a leftover container from a restaurant and cut the top off.  I used it to line the bottom of the now-painted terrarium - oh, and I put the glass back in, too!

I bought some teeny-tiny succulents and left them in their little pots!  I put some rocks in - probably should've used the "small" rocks {these were medium} but it's what I had in my shed!  Super cute!

I couldn't decide how I liked the stuff around it, so I tried a few things!

Or, this?

I think I like the second one.  I might add that I'm trying to hide some weird holes in the corner of the shelf!  I think I accomplished that!


Designer Garden 
Funky Junk Interiors 
Ask Anna 
A Bowl Full of Lemons 
Thrifty Decor Chick 
Not Just a Housewife
Domestically Speaking 
Handy Man, Crafty Woman 
Thrifty Decorating 
Southern Hospitality 
Blogger Block Party 
Iheart Organizing