Friday, April 15, 2011

Laundry Room finished up!

I told you last week about our laundry "room" down in the basement.  I can't really paint in there, I have a huge water heater in there, too. So, I'm doing my best to make due with what I have and work around it! I have attempted to cover up my eye-sore water heater with a lamp I found in another room and a doilie I found in my linen closet.  I have a phone down here because when I'm down there I can't hear the phone, so this helps a bunch!

Bringing in some delicate touches to soften the ugly water heater!
Well, I found these neat decal-type stickers at Target and used them to look like tiles over the washing machine under the basement window. 

I love how they look like tile and help hide some more uglies!

I also found {while cleaning out the basement} a bulletin board {really, I have no idea where it came from} and spray painted it with leftover paint and then used the rest of the stickers from the kit from Target and some ribbon I found to spruce it up - hey, it's hiding ugly, copper pipes so I'm happy to have something to hide stuff!

I'll do anything to hide those pipes!

About a year ago I found this great shelving system at Ikea - got the whole thing for under $100 and put it together.  You can make it different sizes.

You can see {on RT} my washer and dryer are split up and there is my laundry room sink and shelf system in between.

I have my t.p. and paper towels on top, extra cleaning supplies under that {yes, that is a Tiffany's box I got from a fundraiser but it was too pretty to put in a closet}, my laundry supplies on the next shelf down, then my hubby took our old kitchen TV and put it on the bottom shelf with my iron/ironing supplies {snicker, snicker} and my dog washing supplies {since I bathe him in the basement sink}.

Top shelf with t.p. and paper towels, next shelf holds overflow of cleaning supplies.

Love my little TV to watch HGTV while folding laundry.

Well, that about wraps up the tour of my laundry "room". What do you think?  Yes, it's interesting.  I even have a pole to hang my laundry that I rigged up to the frig/freezer to a spot on the steps!  It's not elaborate, but it's certainly much nicer than before and it functions well for me!

Laundry baskets go on bottom under shelves, light to help see my dryer controls.
Parties I'm attending:
Tater Tots and Jello
Funky Junk Interiors 
A Bowl Full of Lemons 
Not Just a Housewife 
Domestically Speaking 
Handy Man, Crafty Woman
House of Hepworths 

Autism Awareness Month bloggers who are joining together to make you aware of autism:
Organizing Made Fun
Earth Monkey Moms
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Hello House, Goodbye Home
Pieces of My Heart 
This Journey Through Life 

I'd love to have  HUGE list of bloggers joining me, so won't you?

Autism websites:

Autism Speaks

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