Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How I organize: A Tea Cupboard

A tea cupboard?  Yes, some of us enjoy tea.  My hubby is actually the tea drinker!  I drink only occasionally, but he loves Earl Grey and he uses his own tea's a manly tea!  So, here is what the cupboard looked like before.  Notice, I also had way too many left-over containers. I really don't need this many.  

I decided that the lazy-susan styled containers I really didn't need -hubby actually wanted them for his workshop!  I pulled out everything and put down new contact paper.

You can see I added a little tray I found in another cupboard - I got two of these super cheap on clearance at Target last year and use one for meatloaf.  I put all the tea necessities so that you can grab it and take it out for visitors too.

Tray with all the necessities.

Found a container to store the tea bags and boxes.

The perfect addition to tea, Swedish cookies from Ikea! Yummy!

Tea Leaf canister

Isn't it lovely? So fun and easy!

Linking to these parties:
House of Hepworths
Organize and Decorate Everything 
Iheart Organizing 
Delightful Order

Autism Awareness Month bloggers who are joining together to make you aware of autism:
Organizing Made Fun
Earth Monkey Moms
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Hello House, Goodbye Home
Pieces of My Heart 
This Journey Through Life 

I'd love to have  HUGE list of bloggers joining me, so won't you?

Autism websites:

Autism Speaks

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