Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How I organize: my spice cupboard

 So, I have a spice's not that big of a deal!

I don't have the ideal kitchen, so these are kept in the corner area near my mixer, since I do most of my spice and baking mixing there - it's the biggest counter space I have in my kitchen!  

I decided that it was time to go through the spices and get rid of everything that I didn't really use or was expired! I also wanted to pretty up my spice cabinet...weird, I know! 

But, I bought some spice holders at Ikea and then kept the prettier spice jars/can that I like. They are magnetic on back.

Remember when I bought the sheet metal back several months ago to us in my kitchen?  Well, I had some left-over.  So, I used the sheet metal cutters - they ARE fun to use - and cut it to fit the size of the door and screwed it in.

 Then, I tested out the spice jars to make sure I could close the door!

Last I put the goodies inside and labeled them...

They hold a lot more than I expected!  I even put a magnetic clip to hold my Ginger dressing recipe I use all the time - which you would think I would have memorized by now, but I don't! What do you think?

Parties I'm linked to:
Funky Junk Interiors
Organized Junkie

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