Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Office chaos: organizing the mess!

So, according to one of the polls we took back a month or so ago, one of the main areas that most of you struggle with is your office/desk area!  So...this month we're going to focus on that area!  Since we have FIVE Wednesdays this month, I'm going to take this week to ask you what is it that you need help with most in getting things organized in your office or on your desk?

Is it too much paper?

Is it piled way up high?

Maybe your computer takes up the whole space?

Perhaps too many people use this desk?

Maybe your office supplies are out of control?

Let me know what you're struggling with and we can try to give you ideas and inspiration with it.  If you're office is totally under control, than perhaps you'll be inspired to change it up a bit!

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  1. Tooooo much paper - junk mail - papers from school - lists - bills, important mail that I need to attend to but am waiting for input from.....sombody, etc. WAAAY TO MUCH PAPER!

  2. I just moved my desk to a new spot last night! So much better! Love the blog :)

  3. I need to know what paper NEEDS to be saved/filed and what types of statements, etc. I can chuck....would love to go paperless for everything but worry that I will need hard copies since Murphy (murphy's law) shows up if I my home office doubles as our bedroom...


Please give me your organized thoughts!