Monday, September 6, 2010

A Refrigerator Makeover

What's in your frig?

I love the ideas for getting your frig organized!  When is the last time you organized your frig or freezer?  Mine is a constant project of moving around and fitting stuff in the right way.  Did you noticed the herbs in the door of this frig?  I probably don't go that far...This lay out is very closet to what my frig looks like so I like these ideas.  

Have a wonderful Labor Day (hopefully a day off)!!  Let this inspire you to get your gloves out and clean out your frig, make sure nothing is rotten in there, and label everything (ok, so maybe you don't have to label everything!)

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1 comment:

  1. Great Post! I LOVE an organized fridge! It really does help get your day off on the right foot when you start it off by opening the fridge & finding everything you need, right where it belongs. Can you imagine starting your day off wasting time looking for what you need & not being able to find it cause it's hidden behind last weeks moldy dinner?? Also, I have a magnetic notepad on the side of my fridge so that when someone notices something getting low (either in the fridge or cupboards) they can write it down so we don't run out :) KLB


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