Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What Mom Really Wants for Mother's Day

The longer I've been a mother, the more I realize what I really want for Mother's Day isn't something fancy or even something expensive. Being a mom is hard work, there's no doubt about it. And, I have to "adult" just about every day, that's just part of it! 

What  Mom  Really  Wants  for  Mother's  Day :: OrganzingMadeFun.com

When the kids were really little, I thought being a mom was hard. It was hard in a different way, but it WAS hard. I wouldn't go back to having babies and toddlers for anything now...I adore looking back at their baby photos and toddler years. But, as a 45 year old, I don't have that same young mom energy. Oh, but I'd do a LOT of things differently now. I'd be a lot more relaxed about some things, and WAY more uptight about other things. 

So, every year when Mother's Day rolls around, I get asked "what do you want?". As a person who doesn't love to have more stuff or clutter, my answer is invariably something clutter free! Cards are sweet and I love seeing how the kids have changed through the years with their homemade cards. But, of course, your family still wants ideas, don't they? So, I have compiled a list of ideas you can pass along to your "significant other" to let him know that Mom could use a few things that could keep her relaxed and organized! Here's my list:

  • Organization Books
  • Bedside Organizer
  • Cell Phone Organizer
  • Spa/Massage Gift Card
  • Label Maker
  • Purse Organizer
  • Trunk Organizer
  • Laminator
  • A Professional Organizer
  • Inside purse organizer
  • Organizing and Cleaning Tips 
  • Cosmetic Organizer
  • Jewelry Organizer
  • Closet Organizer
Where do you find these? Here's where I find them:

But, most importantly, Momma just wants to be appreciated, loved on, snuggled with, and spend time with her precious babies! What do you want for Mother's Day?

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