Monday, February 29, 2016

How do you say "LOVE"?

Month of Love ::

This month has been fun!  We've added some color and pattern to our walls, our son has earned his driver's license and I've shared some of my favorite organizing products and tips with you all. We had a nice month of LOVE!

If you've missed anything you can find it here:

Alejandra TV - Free 3 Day Video Series ::

Alejandra Costello is a Professional Organizer who shows people how to become organized so they can live a more productive, efficient, and stress-free life.

Feeling stuck with clutter and can’t get started? Alejandra’s video series shows you 3 e-a-s-yyyyy things to do tonight to feel more organized tomorrow morning. How's that for starting the day off right?! Sign up to watch the free organizing videos here.

For more organizing inspiration, check out Alejandra’s newest videos:

Storewall is more than the pegboard storage system your dad had.  It is an easy to use, easy to install, superior wall storage solution. 

Installation is 3 easy steps, one screw in our installation stripes, two place wall panel on the install strips and three start organizing your space!
Storewalls products have Olympic like strength.  Our 10" & 15" Shelves with brackets can hold a minimum of 200 pounds. That's 20 gallons of paint! is a great company that creates sustainable, yet beautiful and useful products for your home.  "Sustainability is great, design is vital, functionality is essential, but when all three come together, that’s when things start to get really interesting."  If you haven't seen them yet you won't want to miss out their attention to detail in the design process is fantastic! 

I love getting my healthy cleaning products from ePantry They are offering OMF readers a $10 credit on your first order! 

Basil epantry influencerbanner 300x250 a ap

If you haven't picked out your calendar for the new year you should definitely consider getting the Cozi family planning app!  It is the perfect calendar for busy families like mine! 

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  Want to know where I got that product?
 Go HERE and find it!

**I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**  Like what you see here? Consider becoming a follower or subscribe via email! 

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1 comment:

  1. When you a have so many things, items, belongings that you need to fix and organize maybe you will be needing a help.


Please give me your organized thoughts!