Friday, May 15, 2015

Left-over Food Container Organizing

Plastic food storage containers are used daily in my home because they are lightweight, and inexpensive.  Besides holding leftover food the containers are handy for organizing craft supplies, school/office supplies and as dividers in junk drawers.

Left-over Food Container Organizing - is yours out of control?

Do you have a hard time keeping your plastic storage containers under control?  I have seen superfluous amounts of these storage containers in my clients’ homes.  It’s possible to have too much of a good thing.  Today I am giving you permission to let some go.

Let’s get started. You’ve got this!

  • Gather all your containers and their lids from every cabinet and drawer and put them on a table, counter or other surface.
  • Sift through them, matching the lids to the bottoms. If you have kids, recruit them as helpers.  Maybe offer a reward for the most matches found within 10 minutes.
  • Now it’s time to toss/recycle/donate some of the containers.

Many communities will recycle these containers. 

  • Let go of the containers that are badly stained or in poor condition and are missing lids.  How many do you really need and want to devote storage space for?
  • Save a limited number to use as organizing containers. Move these to a different area.
  • Nest the containers and store them in a deep drawer or shelf.  Purge containers until they all fit the space.
  • You may also stand the lids on end within a larger container to prevent them from spilling out of the space.
  • Maintain with regular purging. 

Now doesn’t that feel much better?  How much space did you recover after purging and organizing your containers?

If you'd like to see more about left-over containers:

Organizing Stuff
Glass Left Over Container

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  1. Oh dear, I better get on this. I have an older Stack n Spin set that has slowly dwindled down to 5 containers and 20 lids...and the spinning rack takes up more space than necessary. Time to purge it. Past time.

  2. Just the push I needed to throw away and reorganize! I also purchased some glass pyrex dishes that are still sitting in the box. I need to make room for those now too!


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