Friday, November 28, 2014

Where Do I Begin?

I asked Jill Annis, of Simply Organized, to help answer some of your tough questions! One of the most asked questions I get is "Where do I begin?" So, she is going to help answer that question, from a professional organizer's view!

I’ve been a professional organizer since 2002. Many of my clients have told me that getting started is the most difficult part of the organizing process, especially when they have tried to organize on their own. If you find this to be true, I have three strategies that will help you not only start organizing but complete your projects.

1. Someday is not a day of the week….but if it were, it sure would be a busy day.

Set a date to get started, write it on your calendar and stick with it. Maybe ask a friend to hold you accountable — a nice, supportive friend.

2. Make it a small slice.

Some projects can seem overwhelming. Breaking your large organizing project into smaller, manageable projects will make it easier to recognize progress and see it through to completion. Let me provide you with an example. Your garage is a mess. When you look at it you don’t know where to start. Think of your garage as a space containing mini-projects; sort one box sitting on a shelf, one corner of the garage, or the stuff on the floor near the door.

3. Time is on your side.

Just because your project is big doesn’t mean you have to block off a day or take a week of vacation to organize. You may avoid the project if you believe you need to set aside large chunks of time. Spend 15-30 minutes a day on the task and you will see results. Working in short spurts also will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. The short spurts of organizing time work well with mini-projects.

Where do I begin? How to get started organizing, advice by a professional organizer ::

No more excuses. It’s time to get started!

Jill Annis

Your nonjudgmental, compassionate, organizing expert

Are you having trouble getting started with your organizing? Where do you begin? 

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