Monday, April 28, 2014

Planning Dinner + Giveaway

Each week I sit down, usually on Sunday evening, and start to plan my meals for the week. There are other weeks that I don't do so well. I know this is a struggle for many women - taking the time to plan meals that are enjoyable but simple. It's not always my favorite thing to do, either...but, 

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized :: friend, Bernadette, has an amazing new website designed to help you get your dinner planned and organized and I asked her to share that today, but she did more than that -- she threw in a giveaway!! Yay!

What adjective best describes dinner preparation time at your house?

Fun? Stressed? Tired? Excited? Hungry? Organized? Smooth? Chaotic?

Is the prominent question in your mind, "what in the world am I going to feed my family for dinner?"

Does your pantry beg the question, "how can I have so much food, but have nothing to eat?"

Do you enjoy cooking, but don't have enough time to plan menus, shop for groceries and prepare recipes?

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized ::

Hi! I'm Bernadette, the dreamer behind the business, She Plans Dinner. I want to thank Becky for the opportunity to share my dream with you.

We all have a limited amount of time and money. We all have demands on our time. The urgent (eating) takes precedence over the important (planning menus and thorough shopping).  Something that is fun, enjoyable and even relaxing (cooking) becomes stressful and harried because we don't have time to plan or planning isn't our thing.

Best case scenario-we end up making last-minute trips to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner. Worst case-we eat out.

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized ::

It isn't healthy. It isn't money saving. And it doesn't save time.

She Plans Dinner is an online subscription service that specializes in dinner menus, easy and delicious recipes and complete grocery lists. We take the planning step out of your dinner prep, enabling you to cook healthy, delicious, colorful, easy recipes every day.

Our menus are divided into two categories...Classic Comfort Food and Variety Food. Classic Comfort consists of familiar, delicious dishes from your childhood. Soups, casseroles, meat loafs. Variety Food is more modern. Cleaner, more streamlined flavors. Ethnic. Edgy.

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized ::

Our recipes are all easy and dependable. Most require 30 minutes or less hands on time.

Our complete shopping lists allow you to shop once, and give you confidence that the ingredients you need for the recipe will be in your cupboards waiting for you. Our shopping lists cut down on waste and excess, but also allow you to buy in bulk to save money.

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized ::

Our menus give you a  flexible plan. The recipes are numbered, and not assigned to a day. That way you can decide what you want to eat according to your schedule.

Our format is convenient...PDF's in your inbox on the 15th and 30th of every month, plus private pages with exclusive content for subscribers. You can print up your menu, lists and recipes, or you can download them and view on a personal device.

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized ::

Our grocery lists are organized by sections of the store so you can shop efficiently and save time.

Our shopping lists cover 15 dinners. Shop once and you are done!

Our recipes and grocery lists have options for both 1-2 and 4-6 people.

Many of our recipes are easy enough that even an adolescent can make them.

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized ::

Organized. Streamlined. Efficient. Fun.

Which plan will you sign up for today?

She Plans Dinner - keep your meal planning organized ::

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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 **I have a few affiliate links in this post - this does not mean you pay a dime more for the product when you purchase through my link. It just means I made it easier for you to find what you might like, so I make a few cents if you purchase. I SO SO SO appreciate when you support Organizing Made Fun. Thank you!!**  

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