Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Have you thought about being Professional Organizer?

{The following is from my guest, Lisa}

Do you love to organize?

Whenever my mother would send me to my room as a punishment, I would reorganize my room. Can you relate?
For many years, I used my organizational gifts as…

·       A teacher in traditional schools
·       A parent and home maker
·       A friend helping another “get organized”
·       A direct sales leader helping my team reach their goals

Finally, it hit me: I am a professional organizer.

Knowing that, and communicating that, to a paying audience are 2 completely different things! Sure, I had a few friends here and there who had paid me to organize for them over the past decade, but how could I turn this passion into a profitable business?

Hi, my name is Lisa Woodruff and I blog over at Organize 365. Becky and I “met” when our eBooks had a “playdate” in the Fresh Book eBook Bundle this summer.

Becky and I both LOVE organizing and have built businesses around our passions!

So how do you start a professional organization business? 

Well, there are many ways, and I have a Facebook group, called Professional Organizers Think Tank, just for people exploring and starting their home professional organization businesses.

Here’s what I’ve found:
    1.  YOU CAN DO IT! You can start a business, any business.

 2.  It is called WORK for a reason. Any business that will grow and prosper will take WORK. My work has always been so rewarding that it rarely feels like work, but in all my professions: teaching, blogging, sales and organizing I have had to WORK, WORK, WORK to achieve the results I desired.

    3.  A community of like-minded people will propel you and keep you moving forward. I’m not going to lie. Starting your own business can be lonely. And profits take a while to come in. Income is not predictable and there is always more to learn.

    However, it IS worth it to invest in a business and profession you LOVE. Find a friend, a client, an online group that motivates you and builds you up.

    4.  Use tools to shorten your learning curve. When I started my full-time professional organization business 18 months ago, I already knew how to organize and run both a business and a website.

However, I chose to buy the ProfitableOrganizer business start-up kit, because even with my knowledge, I knew it would take me at least 6 months to do/ learn all they were offering in one package.

I was able to devote one long weekend {10 hours a day} to plow through every module in the program. I created my custom website, Google ads, email responder and all my business forms in 3 days.

Yes, I am a little hyper, but my family needed for me to be profitable yesterday! Medical needs alone take up 50% of our family’s take home pay. Waiting to “figure it out” is just not an option for me.

Within a week, I had a paying job from my new website and Google ads.

By the end of the month, my business was in the black and profitable.

If you have been thinking about starting your own professional organization business, I say GO FOR IT!

If you are interested in learning more about this business go HERE to learn more or click on any of the pictures.

Lisa shares her organizational tips, her entrepreneurial spirit and humor to encourage other moms on her blog,“Helping you organize your home and your home based business”. She has published multiple books including 10 Steps to Organized PaperOrganizing the Business of Direct Sales and new this month 10 Steps to Organized Photos and Memorabilia

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