Friday, July 12, 2013

Operation: Organize the Garage is underway!

{I have been paid compensation by Flow Wall Systems to try out their fabulous product}

Well, it was time. Time to let go of some big things, small things, and get this garage looking fabulous. I can't believe how awful it looks. Who here can say their garage is spotless? Well, probably just a handful...and mine is in a constant state of clean - messy - clean -- organize -- not so organized -- messy -- well, you get the story. It is a back and forth organized mess. It's not horrible, but it's not the way I'd like to see it, for sure.

Well, I was talking with Flow Wall Systems about my garage situation, and guess what? They are going to be helping me get my garage organized with one of their fantastic organizing systems...I can NOT wait!!!  

Here is a little of what I'm thinking about doing with the garage wall - mind you, this is ONLY one wall in my garage. The other two will be coming someday. 

Well, I'm here to show you my before pictures. The fact that my garage is in a sad state could embarrass me, as a somewhat "known" organizing girl. But, I want you to know that I'm human, I have a husband who has a LOT of tools, and things get a little unorganized from time to time around here. I have kids - plus, we have a LOT of extra kids at our house. Our garage is in the back of our house - we have a long driveway from the street that goes around and to the back. The garage is behind the house - actually behind our master bedroom. But, there is no access from the garage INTO the house. Living in Southern California, that's really not that big of a deal. Having a super long driveway is great and the kids love to ride scooters on it, so we have stocked up on extra scooters {Black Friday sale we got them cheap} and on helmets for all the kids {I buy them at the Thrift Store for super cheap}. 

My garage organization has done fairly well. But, it lacks the "cleaner" look I'd like to go for out there. My shelves have been organized, re-organized and messed up time and time again. I'm looking forward to getting this garage up and running with the new wall system that will have a little better useable space, too!

Why is all this exciting to you? Well, let's just say that in a few weeks there is going to be a little something for YOU to possibly win -- yep, you will have a chance to win a Flow Wall System garage system just like mine! Keep watching me on Instagram for more updates and posts here all about my garage transformation. I PROMISE it will be amazing!! Are you excited about this?

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