Sunday, June 30, 2013

Organize It Monthly Link Party for June!

It's time to inspire and be inspired! If you have had some organizing going on at your house or blog, be sure to link up your post and share with everyone! Of course, we have lots of categories for you to choose from. If you've been needing some help getting something organized, go through all the links in the categories.

The TOP Organizing Bloggers are hosting this and so you can be sure that LOTS of people are going to want to see this!

grab button

A Bowl Full of Lemons

1. Must be organizing related.
2. Must have the button or a text link, linked back to one of our 8 blogs.
3. Must be a new link up each month (No duplicates).
4. A maximum of 2 posts may be linked up each month.
5. Please link to the correct category.
6. The link up must be your own work.

*We have the right to delete any link ups that do not follow the rules.

The event will last all month. You can link up on the first day, the last or any day in between. Make sure you only link up a maximum of 2 organizing posts per month. We will share our favorite linked up blog posts on "Organize It!", our Pinterest page. Have fun, get lots of inspiration and share the party with the world!
Now, here's what you do, if you have anything related to organizing, you can link up your post or your project via Pinterest and show off your great organizing skills! There are a couple of rules:

link up

Kitchen: Office: Closets and Storage Bathroom Bedroom Toy Laundry and Cleaning Supplies Craft Room Binders and Planners Other Spaces

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