Monday, May 6, 2013

Organized Reader: Super cute and organized pantry

There are some talented readers that I have! Nina, of Everyday Enchanting, shared her organized pantry with me. And, I'm going to share this super-cute and organized pantry with you!

organized guest reader space

I won't share everything with you -- but show you all the end results of DIYing her great pantry area. 

Her pantry is so pretty, isn't it? But, best of all, it's organized! She had a pretty lack-luster space before {you can go to the post HERE to see it. 

pantry labels

She also labeled her things so everyone else knows where to put things back when they take them out. 

roll out bins organize

My favorite part of her pantry is the roll-out drawers. These are super efficient in any space where you need to get to the back of an area. So, what do you think of her pantry? Are you inspired to get yours cleaned out and organized?

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