Friday, May 17, 2013

More green living: composting

I'm beginning to think we're trying to be the greenest family on the block! We've taken some steps to reuse and re-energize this home! We have solar panels, we have been using terry towels to cut down on paper towels, and now composting! Well, I wouldn't say we're the "greenest" but I like to try and re-use stuff cause I'm cheap and also cause it's senseless to always throw stuff out!

Take for instance throwing out all those fruit pieces and ends of stuff that you don't ever use - yard clippings, leaves, and more -- well, I feel like we are so much less wasteful now. Let me show you what we've done.

We bought a dual compost tumbler, just like {some affiliate links in this post} THIS ONE - we bought it at Costco, but I'm not sure if they still have them. My hubby is so good about putting things together, as you can see above. He lays out every piece first and looks over everything to make sure nothing is missing - smart man! How many times have you put something together and you're in the middle of it and it's missing a piece? That's why he does this!

Anyway, he put the whole thing together and we put it behind our shed area where we now keep all our trash cans - way in the back of the house. I KNOW that it's ideal to put it in a really warm/hot spot. But, honestly this is the best place for us and it gets pretty hot here in the summer so we're going to try and do this. There isn't another good spot in the sun - unless we want to look at it all the time - so we'll see how it goes! We're still newbies!

I also printed up this free printable I got HERE to keep the whole family "in the know" about what IS and what is NOT supposed to be composted. I made three printables and laminated them - one to keep on the back of the kitchen cupboard one to put out near the compost tumblers, and one to put in the shed. 

We just began our composting process last month, so I'm hoping we'll start seeing some real stuff come this summer. It's working, though. I can see things changing and breaking down.

The compost pail I got on Zulilly a few weeks ago - it's so much cuter than using a plastic bag! I think I'm going to have to work on re-arranging and re-organizing under my kitchen sink to fit it under there, though instead of on the counter. But, for now I lined the bucket that fits inside of it with a plastic bag. Have you ever done composting? If you have, please leave any great tips you have! I'd love to know...I'll keep you posted as to how it's doing!

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