Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Month End Wrap UP

Because I know you all don't possibly keep with every little bit that goes on here in OMF land, I like to include a month end wrap up to help you catch up on anything you may have missed in the month of April - and every month, for that matter.
Lots and lots of great organizing ideas |

Well, what did you miss? I hope not much, but if you did you can catch up now!

I also want you to know that I tell you all about my fantastic sponsors each month. They are helping me to help YOU be motivated to organized! 

I have FOUR new sponsors. The first is:

I am delighted to have Day-Timer as a sponsor...since you all know that I'm always telling you to get yourself a schedule! They are a perfect way to get yourself scheduled!! And, there may possibly be a special giveaway coming up soon with be sure to keep an eye out for that soon!

CA Support Service - they are actually in the U.K. ! Wow! They are your go-to company to help you out with cleaning and services of all kinds!

As you probably saw from my post with Office Depot a couple of weeks ago, we are now teaming up! I'm super thrilled to have them on board with OMF and you can be sure that this combo will bring you even more fun ideas for organizing!

If you are a lover of containers that organize, you are going to LOVE Brandi from Clever Container!

This is our WonderFULL Bag.  It is originally $40, but for the month of May, when you spend $50 you get it for $25, almost a 40% savings. 

Here is this great bag you can use for your vehicle to keep umbrellas, blankets, sports gear, extra diapers, change of clothes, reusable grocery bags, ect.  It sells for $28.00.  Our entire product line for vehicles is great and this is Brandi's favorite item! And, oh wow! I think I need one of these!

Online has just about every kind of label you could possibly want for getting organized - which is a fun part about organizing, the labeling!! Go over to their FACEBOOK page {and "like" it, of course} and you will keep up with some of the latest ideas and discounts they will be offering!

simplify 101 makes getting organized simple, fast and (best of all) fun. You’ll cut clutter and reduce stress, giving you more time for what matters most to you! 

Clean Mama has the best printables including this one above - her Clean House Kit! She also has a 20% off code for OMF readers. Use 20ORGMF for your discount. 

Alejandra's latest videos:

Organizing Your Taxes

Or there is a playlist to watch all of them here:

Talk about getting organized with meal planning...Michelle will help you out with your meal planning by giving you all the tools you need to make 5 dinners in just one hour each week! She has amazing Ebooks, too! Plus, she has dinners for every kind of eating habit you can imagine! Please go there and see what a big deal this is!

Thirty One Bags, with consultant Shannon Forcade. She can help you decide on what kind of fabulous organizing bags to enjoy! We have a BIG Thirty-One party coming to my Facebook page -- so if you'd like to join in and earn some prizes, it starts on May 6th! I'll give you a link for you to join the are more details!

"Join us for a night of shopping, celebrating, and fun right from your your P.J.s on Facebook! What? Yup, that's right! I am hosting a fabulous Thirty-One Facebook par-taay!"

"This is not your normal shopping experience! This is a fun, fast, and easy way to shop - ALL ON FACEBOOK! Just RSVP by clicking "Attend"! Grab a drink, put on your P.J.s and log on to the event, on the date. Exclusive specials for those who attend! If you can't come, let me know and you can still get some organizing products!" 

Thank you to everyone for all your support and keep coming back to Organizing Made Fun for inspiration each month!

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