Friday, December 7, 2012

We're making progress: Tub reglazed and flooring

Just because life can't get more complicated than doing construction and DIY around Christmas time, we are doing it! I suppose the goal is to have it done so when everyone is over here for Christmas parties and what-not, that it's nicer. 

But, the mess during construction is not for the faint of heart -  and, as you can imagine, I don't do well with a big mess for very long!

I told you, a couple of weeks ago, that we were going to be re-glazing our kids' bathroom tub, surround, and countertops. Here is the before of their rose and peach colored tile in the sink and countertops. 

Here is the tub and tile area. I worked at trying to incorporate the colors with a shower curtain years ago -- with yellow being the extra color in the shower curtain that tied it together. Yellow is a funny color - it's so fun and yet it wears on you. So, after having this bathroom be THIS color for so long, it gets to where you can't stand it anymore.

Here is what the tub and shower look like now. I know your jaw is on the floor, but wait...

Here is the sink and countertop area. Can you believe this is the same room? Of course you can -- that yellow is still there! {Oh that yellow just gets on my nerves now}.

But, seriously, here is a before and after of the tub.

And, before and after of the countertop area. It's really amazing what "paint" can do. That's essentially what this is -- I had a reglazing company come out and do this and it's just such a big change. I love it! The kids have a snazzy bathroom. There are still lots of details yet to do...much painting of walls and cabinets and more! So, I'll be back with more of that soon! What do you think?

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Domestically Speaking