Monday, April 16, 2012

Future projects I need to do...AND an announcement!

OK...we've all got projects around the house that we just need to get done. And then we have projects we REALLY want to get done, right? I have three projects that I want to get done in the next few months. All of varying size! 

The first one, which is the most important right now for me, is my office. We have this tiny bedroom next to our master bedroom {across from our master bathroom}, which we turned into an office. The closet is my hubby's organized closet and works great since it's directly across from the bathroom and he can get ready in the morning without bothering me. Anyway, it's a small, dark room. It's only 8 feet by 12 feet. It's dark - I get about an hour of lovely sunshine in there in the morning and then that's it! The rest of the day it's like a cave. The ceiling is low, making it feel even more cave-like! I never work in there...cause it's not fun at all. 

My hubby suggested that while we were getting our new roof {which has FINALLY begun and it's pretty noisy here now}, we put in a tubular skylight! Then, he suggested I do some decorating in there, if I would like to - ummmmm, yep!!!  So, I have begun figuring out my budget and my color scheme! You can check out all that fun stuff on my "Home Office" pinboard to see all kinds of ideas! You can see a "sneak peak" {above} of my inspiration of colors that I will be incorporating into my office :)

I am also planning on changing the game cupboard that's in our Family Room into a craft cupboard. It's apparent that my daughter is a big-time crafter. I want to make it a super fun, organized area for both of us to use and enjoy in our family room. I have a "Craft Cupboard" pinboard for all my inspiration!

Last, once our roof is done, I plan to work on our shed. The shed is a little strange in that it's part of the garage - sort of a bump out - the roof in there is cracked {and leaks terribly} and I've been waiting to organize the shed and fix up my potting bench. It's a mess. Here is a picture of what it currently looks like - it's awful. Everyone goes in there and then leaves stuff everywhere. It is no fun at all to pot plants! The pegboard that's in there is from the 1960s and the holes are smaller than the newer pegboard of today and so it's a disaster to try and use pegboard hooks cause you have to drill bigger holes. Anyway, it's a mess!

So, as you can see I have a few things to get done. The good news is that you'll be seeing the progress all along the way! I'm excited to share these projects with you and get organized in the process - that's the fun part!

Oh, and I have an announcement! 

I am going to begin a NEW ongoing series {twice a month} called "Organized Dilemmas" {or something like that} where you can send in your organizing dilemma/area with pictures, and I'll pick out a space and give some ideas of how to organize it to solve your crazy organizing dilemmas! So, be sure to email me your question AND lots of pictures so I can more easily figure out how to help you. I'll use those pictures in my post and answer your questions {anonymously if you prefer}. So, how does that sound? 

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