Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Couponizer giveaway!

I have to admit, I'm not so good with coupons. Well, some coupons we're good with - like my hubby and I always try to use restaurant coupons when we go out to eat. But, when it comes to groceries and such, I just haven't gotten organized enough to keep up with it.

I want to introduce you to The Couponizer

This product works great for the beginning couponer - like myself! It's also probably the most organized way I've seen to couponing.

Once you've clipped your coupons you can lay out the insert on your table and lay out all the coupons by category, easily! I really like that part.

Then, you can put them into your notebook under the file of that category. The notebook isn't huge, but it's big enough to handle all kinds of coupons.

Once you're ready to go shopping you can lay out the coupons with the organizer insert OR you can just look from pocket to pocket at that category. Then, there is a pocket labeled "coupons for this shopping trip" where you can pull them out as you shop for those items.

Then, you can put them into you "checkout" pocket so you don't forget to give them to the cashier - which, yes, some of us have done before!!

There are other pockets to use for other rewards and retailers - restaurant coupons and shop coupons, too. We use those a bunch. 

Julie, our official Couponizer coach, has a Facebook page where she posts deals and Freebies she finds. She also has a section in the NOTES tab where she lists coupons she has available for a  small handling fee, without having to buy several papers to get multiple coupons. Visit her website to find out more, also. 

Now, she's giving one to YOU! Click over if you are an email subscriber to enter. Use Rafflecopter below to enter up to three entries. It starts now and ends April 16th at midnight {EST}. I'll announce the winner on Tuesday, April 17th. Happy couponing!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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