Friday, March 2, 2012

My latest Project: Blissdom 2012

I was able to attend my very first blogger’s conference this past week. Blissdom is really a great place for women bloggers to come together and learn more about blogging, meet sponsors, and meet other bloggers.

L to R: Me, Cindy, Allison, Diane

I had the opportunity to meet many amazing home-décor/DIY bloggers, especially. Being an organizing blogger, I got a funny reaction everytime I would meet another blogger. Most people either WANT to be organized, or LOVE to organize, or are just fascinated with the whole concept. It’s a great topic to talk about because most people are interested. However, most of what I learned I hope can be of value to YOU, my readers.

Sandra and Erin

I learned about photography. I have been working hard to get better at this area of my blog. I take a lot of time taking pictures, staging pictures, making organizing look appealing to you – to motivate and inspire you.

Opryland Gaylord in Nashville, TN

I learned about social media. This is a fun area for me. Most of you know that my Facebook page is a lot of fun. I regularly post pictures of organizing things I see around the internet – like organizing products, organized spaces, and just plain organized fun! It’s always fun to see you get as excited about them as me, too! And, always feel free to share anything with your Facebook friends that you see on the OMF Facebook page. I want everyone to get as excited about it as I am! My media goal this year is to get better with Twitter – so be sure to head over to Twitter, if you use it, and find me on Twitter HERE. I'll be posting more personal, funny stuff on Twitter.

My other goals here at OMF have always been about motivating and inspiring women to organize. This blog is a resource for you, as well. You can always go down to my Search Bar on the lower right side of my side bar, on the blog, and type in a search word of something you are wanting to organize. You know, like “closets” “kitchen” or “kids” and lots of great place to start and I have lots of content there.  Well, I hope that this year you will be even more inspired and there is so much I have planned for you to help achieve that.

Now, I’d like to introduct you to a few bloggers that are wonderful ladies who you might like to check out in the future.

My roommate was Allison, from House of Hepworths. She and I had a lot of fun together. She’s like a little sister to me and has an amazing blog filled with DIY skills and crafts. She can make some serious stuff. You need some inspiration for your home? She’s the girl to check out.

She's also gluten intolerant, and so I got her a bunch of fun gluten-free goodies to enjoy while at the conference. Living in L.A., I have all kinds of gluten-free grocery stores nearby to shop at, so she was happy to have lots of GF goodies!

Me and Brittany

I couldn’t wait to meet Brittany, from Pretty Handy Girl. She’s another really super DIY, tutorial, tool kind of gal. She and I have been blogging for about the same amount of time, too. So, it’s been fun to see our blogs grow together. Brittany is one of the nicest girls…really she is. Her goal is to motivate and empower women to learn to use tools and do DIY home projects. She has some amazing tutorials – even video tutorials – on how to use basic power tools.

Cyndi, Tonya, Me, and Traci

Traci, from Beneath My Heart, and Cyndi her sister, from Walking in Grace and Beauty, are also two ladies I have long admired. Traci has some great skill when it comes to decorating. And, her sister Cyndi, has a blog combining fashion and Jesus. They are precious and dear women and I was so honored to spend time talking with them and sharing with them.

Here is a list of home/décor bloggers you may want to check out:
Allison, Abbie, and Me

Amy from All in a Day
Cindy from My Cottage Love {her brand NEW blog}
Diane from In My Own Style
Sandra from  Sawdust and Paper Scraps 
Myra from My Blessed Life {a very organized young mom}
Tonya from Love of Family and Home {she has an AMAZING organized closet too}
Susan from Living Rich on Less {she’s got organizing, too}

Other Mommy bloggers:
Christine from iDream of Clean
Megan from Millions of Miles {adoption and overseas adoption}

Allison and I having fun!

These are all fantastic bloggers that I personally met and can tell you that they are truly kind, compassionate, and talented. I am a BIG advocate of blogs – BIG. I encourage you to check out any of these wonderful blogs, pin all the things that inspire you, and get motivated! 

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Don't forget: The BIG Spring Into Organization Home Tour is coming soon!!!

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