Monday, September 19, 2011

Magazine Clippings

I was going through our office bookshelves a few weeks ago. I noticed that I had this huge binder of magazine clippings! I totally forgot that was there!


What's more funny is that it's several years ago and my taste has definitely changed - I think it's evolved for the better.

I found this {above} and loved it.  Well, we no longer live in a house with stairs so it's really not a lot of use for me! But, I can share it with you!

How about this one? Isn't that a cute cut?  I still think it's cute, even if it's about ten years old!

Then, there are the out of date stuff - the dried flower wreaths aren't so popular anymore! Anything that's smelly or attracts dust can't be in our house - I have too many allergy sufferers!

I like this one, above, because it's still a good idea. Now that I have kids, I don't know that I'd really do it, though!

Another great idea...simple and easy - even done over and over on Pinterest, I've seen!

I like these Martha Stewart tips on preserving flowers!

I also found this page {not even sure why I saved it}. This is really neat because of what it says. It reads:

"What is the most important lesson you've learned from your sibling?" To which was the reply: "My brother Robby has autism. He has taught me that people with disabilities can still be cool. Because of Robby, I have more patience with people who are different." 

This was about 4 months before my son was diagnosed with autism. So, it's pretty neat that I had saved that, for whatever reason.

I was trying to whittle my waist apparently, too!

Well, I finished up getting rid of pretty much everything and getting all these photos.  So, if I really need them, I have them now! There were many more and I threw out a lot.

But, seriously, I tell you now that I have Pinterest, I can organize all my magazine "clippings" and more! It's fun and I love going paperless! 

If you follow a few of your favorite bloggers or friends, you can begin to get ideas and "pin" onto your virtual board.  You can also type in the search bar for just about anything. See the example above...I typed "pantry" and then a whole bunch of pantries appeared! So, it's great if you need ideas to organize, bake, cook stuff {there are some seriously great recipes}, clothing ideas, etc.

Have you tried Pinterest? If you aren't on there and would like an invitation, please just leave me a comment below and I'll email you one! Also, if you have any questions about using Pinterest, ask! I'd be happy to try and help!

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