Monday, April 4, 2011

Autism Awareness Month

This month, each Monday, I'm going to highlight autism.  April is Autism Awareness month.  I personally am touched by this as my precious son has autism. I want to make you aware of what autism IS - go there now and see the list of symptoms.  I also want to show you what we have done to help our son.  Some kids are high functioning - as our son is - and others are on the other spectrum and low functioning.

Autism has grown rapidly since my son was first diagnosed 9 years ago.  He is nearly 12 years old now.  Nine years ago the statistics were 1 in 500 children were diagnosed with autism.  NOW, the statistics are 1 in 110!!  That is epidemic!  Can you believe the difference in a few years?  AND, 1 in 70 boys!!!  It's a 600% increase in the last 20 years! I am getting these statistics straight from Autism Speaks website.   

I'm not trying to scare you.  I imagine many of you even know of a child with autism - friend, grandson, son, nephew, niece, granddaughter, neighbor, etc.  But, it is actually better to KNOW that your child has autism than to live in denial of this fact.  Trust me, I KNOW! The sooner that you can begin helping them through therapies and various techniques, the better they can be for life!

Next week I'll share with you our personal story...our ongoing journey and how we manage right now.   

I'd love to have  HUGE list of bloggers joining me, so won't you?

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