Monday, March 14, 2011

When is the last time you were hospitable?

Last week I told you about a great book I read recently called The Reluctant Entertainer by Sandy Coughlin.  What's interesting is that since I last wrote about it, I actually have "talked" {via email} with Sandy a few times.  She seems like a charming and sweet gal! I hope to one day meet her in person - since I actually visit her state quite often with my hubby, it's possible...

I'm going to give a brief book review and then maybe help you get motivated to be hospitable.  Sandy's main point throughout her book was that being hospitable and entertaining is NEVER about being perfect, having a perfect house, or having the perfect party.  Trust me, we have had our share of people over and it's just never perfect.  Many of you make excuses why you can't have people over or you stress-out when you DO have people over {I'm totally guilty of this}.  It's just not fun for anyone when it becomes that way.

My easy spinach salad - I got the idea from a Costco bagged salad called Grand Parisian.  This is my cheaper version.

Despite what the Food Network would have you's NOT about the food! It's just NOT!  My hubby and I pretty much make the SAME thing everytime we have friends over - he BBQs some Tri-tip {we get it pre-marinated at Costco}, I throw together an EASY spinach salad {spinach, sliced almonds, feta cheese, and cranberries and make my homemade "Ginger" dressing - that's it!}, maybe throw some tater tots in the oven, and make some simple brownies with ice cream.  It's SUPER one ever walks away talking about how they wished we had fancier food...

Four ingredients and no chopping...keeping it easy!

What they talk about is how much they enjoy the fellowship!  Because we've made the same thing so much, there is no pressure or rush to get it done.  In fact, he usually doesn't start cooking the tri-tip until shortly before the company arrives {it takes 45 minutes to cook}.  Often times I ask our company to help me toss the salad, set the table, etc.  

Beautiful simple appetizer at a baby shower I was at recently.
My point is, we tend to think we have to have our homes look a certain way, our food to be fancy, or have a big agenda of what we do.  But, you just don't.  The whole purpose of having someone over to your home is to get to know them better and spend time with them.  You can be more relaxed by having your house appear immaculate {you can fake it like me}, but if anyone else lives there you know it won't always be perfectly clean!

If you haven't seen Sandy's blog, The Reluctant Entertainer, you really need to go over there.  She's got this great list of Ten commandments of Hospitality that you can print up. She's got easy recipes to prepare and ideas of other ways to show hospitality.  Her book is amazing and you can pick it up here!

I've made a HUGE list of friends that I want to invite in the next year...I'm pretty ambitious about entertaining, but you can start a small list.  If you can't afford to feed a whole bunch of people, have a potluck.  If you can't fit many people in your home, just invite one family at a time.  I promise you this, the more you do it, the easier it gets!

Our monthly young family fellowship/potluck - this time indoors!  We are usually outside...

Next week I'm going to finish this short series by giving you simple ways to have things organized and ready to go when you have company over - or even unexpected company!

Linking to these parties:

Don't Waste Your Homemaking

Have a great way of organizing something?  Send me an email and I can feature you {your blog or pictures}!

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