Thursday, February 10, 2011

My darling old chair!

So, I spotted this type of chair and really wanted one!  However, after looking around for it, I was somewhat shocked that flea markets and even Craig's list was listing something similar for $100!  Seriously?  It's old, but it's not worth that much.  So, I sent out a picture of what I wanted to my trusty freecycle group from church...told my friends if they spotted one at a garage sale, if they had one in their house, or just saw one around to let me know!

Here is the lovely chair in my basement...ready to be changed!

You know what?  I DID have a friend send me a text with a picture of the EXACT chair I was looking for!  She was on vacation and spotted it in a thrift store and talked the lady down to $5 for the chair - yes $5!!  What a friend!  She had to put it in the back of her van and drive it all the way home!  

Slipcover my Mom made me!  She's wonderful!

I took it home, and it was perfect for my tiny entry.  The upholstery is in good condition and I couldn't see ripping it all apart and doing that again.  So, I asked my Mom for a favor....if she could make a slipcover like Miss Mustard Seed does? We got fabric in the L.A. Fabric District, she took the chair home and whipped up an amazing slipcover! But, it wasn't done...I wasn't going to keep the dark wood {despite my Dad's pleas}. So, I painted it a lovely cream color with some leftover paint.

Look at the details..

The pleats are my favorite...

Mom even made the back rounded and everything velcros closed.

My darling old chair!

I try not to be so wordy...but this chair was such a sweet deal that I just HAD to tell you all about my killer deal!

Linking to:
Funky Junk Interiors
Positively Splendid

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