Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How I organize my prayer time

 I love to pray.  It's the way I am able to talk with God.  I read my Bible each morning at 5:30 AM before I head on my morning walk. 

For years I had a hard time remembering to pray for friends, family, specific areas that needed my prayer-attention.  I need to be fresh and awake, so while I'm walking up the "hill of death" I pray.  I use the acronym ACTS or CATS to help me with my prayer time.

A - Adoration 
C - Confession
T - Thanksgiving
S - Supplication

{I use CATS} First, I Confess any and all the sins I have committed since the last time I prayed {which I try to pray throughout the day I Thessalonians 5:17}. But, I go before the Lord and do this.

Second, I Adore God - I give Him praise and honor for His attributes.  His attributes include His mercy, grace, sovereignty, and many, many more!

Third, I Thank Him.  I thank Him for the many things in my life - whether good or bad.

Last, I Supplicate.  This is my main prayer time of asking prayer requests for friends, family, etc.  I have made up cards and days of the week.  Each day of the week is dedicated to one specific group of people.  I pray daily for my hubby and kids and myself.  Here's my prayer schedule:

Monday - Hubby's family {everyone I can think of}
Tuesday - My family {all my relatives, too}
Wednesday -My Sunday School class prayer requests, Bible study prayer requests {they email them out to us each week}
Thursday - My close, personal friends {including their children}, Special Needs Moms group
Friday - Our church missionaries
Saturday - Our church pastors and elders
Sunday - Government and leaders in government

Daily - Hubby, my kiddos, myself

I also have a specific daily {following the 31 days a month} prayer guide I got years ago to pray for my Hubby.  I've included it on Scribd.Click the link and you can print them up on cardstock and make your own prayer cards.

Click to enlarge or go to Scribd to download.

 And here is the second page...

Cut them out and make up your own prayer cards you can take with you.

I hope this will inspire you to not only get your prayer time organized, so you can be sure you cover all those you love {and especially those in authority} in prayer.  I also pray {really I will pray} that this draws you nearer to God.  

Are you a good person?

More about prayer... 

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